Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Restart writing....

Ni blog ke-tiga..confuse follower...haha..cam ramai j.
sebab2 kenapa ade sampai 3 blog

1) 1st blog: my ivy created in 2010, stop kejap sbb terlalu bz dgn career...cehhhh..
bila nk try log in balik, lupa password!!!

2) 2nd blog: missmarlina.wordpress. seronok menulis. semua nk share..tp selected juga. then berbulan2 tulis, notice guna email keja. No no no! then try to add advertisement...fail. I have to delete the entry...byk nice story dlm tu....sayanggg...

3) I hope this will be my one and only blog. Created with new ID...gmail! after 10+ years of yahoo user.

So wish me all the best! Hope to share more informative stuff with readers..or viewer out there..